Sometimes when my clients feel groggy and foggy because the hamster wheel inside their brains have kicked into overdrive with the insistent drone of coulda, woulda, shoulda, they perceive the need for a little less speed and go for a brain break to get the juices flowing.
Brain fluid or Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) is a natural clear liquid that is found around the spine and brain. This fluid provides a protective cushion and removes toxins by bathing the brain and spinal cord then recycling this watery substance into the blood. The brain has many compartments of folds, channels and spaces that need to be flushed out.
Neurons (nerve cells) need CSF to bring nutrients to them otherwise they begin to die (leading to short term memory loss and gradual impairment of brain function).
As we grow older, our bodies produce less CSF putting us at increased risk for aging and health complications. A study from Boston University shows at night while we sleep the neurons go quiet.
During sleep, blood flows out and CSF comes in “washing the brain in rhythmic, pulsing waves.” * Hmmm – maybe someone’s brain missed the rinse cycle from lack of sleep? Try some CranioSacral Therapy (CST) to calm nerves and quiet the busy body brain. CST is a gentle whole-body treatment working with the CSF to support the central nervous system (CNS) and the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM). The PRM is a rhythmic fluid that flows throughout the body coiling and uncoiling the brain.
Blood flow allows for balanced circulation and helps remove pollutants. Maybe the brain is stuck in coiled and soiled? The movement or tide shifts tension to the structural attachments to the skull, sacrum, dural tube of the spinal cord and brain’s dura mater. Perhaps these attachments got stuck in the spin cycle and need to be released?
Practitioners can feel the rhythmic motion with gentle hand holds. They can assist the brain and spinal cords CSF and the body’s PRM fluid circulation to release the tension of the membranes them for better fluid flow. Improved fluid CSF flow can assist with removing toxins from the brain nooks and crannies clearing the way for better sleep and a little less hamster wheel.
So, if spinning on your Merry-Go-Round isn’t so merry come to Beach Fitness and try something outside the box to balance your body’s natural rhythms and lift the fog.
CST is performed fully clothed with soft lights and music with the recipients usually falling asleep and awaken feeling calm and refreshed. CST can help alleviate migraine and tension headaches, TMJ, neck and back pain, lessen depression and improve coping mechanisms to allow for better stress management. Improve your body’s self-healing by releasing tensions and enhancing fluid flow to produce positive powerful changes.
Pairing this with healthy nutrition, exercise, stretching, ELDOA and mediation can help lead to graceful aging with better cognitive function.
*Boston University, Kerry Benson, 2019, pg. 1