Many of you might be familiar with more common types of massage but have you ever experienced what Thai massage is? A form of dynamic therapeutic bodywork, Thai massage incorporates yoga-like stretching, joint manipulations and tissue compression to aid in physiological as well as psychological well-being and healing.
Thai massage has its roots in Yogic practices, at the time when Buddhism began to spread from India, and made its way into the homes of everyday people. My teacher often related the comical scene of a tired parent watching television and then asking their child to walk along their back in order to soothe their pains. This type of simple but effective aid is the spirit of bodywork – the clever use of ones body to help another. Thai massage is also sometimes referred to as a lazy man’s yoga, because for the recipient, it can feel like they are doing yoga without having to work. If you’ve ever done yoga, haven’t you ever wished someone would come along and knead your muscles while you are in some of the challenging positions? Maybe put some extra pressure in that spot that’s aching? Those are the types of questions that gave birth to Thai massage techniques – experimentation and the desire to feel better with less work.
In Thai massage, the therapist utilizes all parts of their body – hands, elbows, feet, knees, etc – and position themselves to skillfully impact the health of your tissues: moving them, applying pressure on them, loosening them and relaxing them. The dynamic nature of the bodywork improves joint mobility, circulation and can even aid in healing of injuries. If you have any experience with Pilates or Yoga, you will appreciate how your body feels during this type of bodywork because it will access regions of your body that are often forgotten and seldom moving. It is also very easy, for both client and therapist, to slip into a meditative state, like a child gently lulled by their parent. However, if you are familiar with Beach Fitness, we take your health to a higher level.
The Beach Fitness staff is highly trained in helping your body, anatomically and functionally, whether it is for improvement of your fitness levels or to help recover from pain and dysfunction. We approach your body from a holistic standpoint and have access to multidisciplinary brilliant minds. That’s why our Thai massage features advanced techniques from Osteopathy. Osteo-Thai is a hybrid of Eastern and Western bodywork, an integrative application of osteopathic principles from a holistic mindset. The work focuses on the movement within joint spaces and improving tissue health. As long as you are willing to put effort into your healing process, we can integrate “pumps” of the internal fluids (blood, lymph, and water) that are present around all joint spaces. This type of work will give your joints the space and fluidity they need, taking the pressure off your nervous system and will leave you feeling renewed.