The First Step to Transforming Your
Body and Mind.

Personalize your path with a professional assessment at Beach Fitness. From lifestyle to health history to goals, we'll assess everything to put you on the right track.

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Beach Fitness Private Training

Are you getting what you need out of your fitness routine?

We've got you covered here at Beach Fitness starting with a free in-person or phone consultation.


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The journey to a healthier body and mind starts at beach fitness

train with beach fitness

Fitness is personal

There is no substitute for personal attention. Your personal trainer will build a program just for you, based on your goals and needs.

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Stronger Together

Our group fitness classes create a fun sense of community to keep each other accountable and motivated.

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We offer alternative methods for chronic pain or mobility issues, including physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture and massage therapy.

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There is nothing else like ELDOA! We use myofascial stretching & strengthening, plus very active stretching to create space between the vertebrae of the spine and joints. You'll leave feeling taller and healthier.

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Free home workouts and fitness plans

With free online classes people who don’t have the time or money to afford a personal coach can make change their lives forever.

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Only you can earn it

LinesAshley - Beach Fitness

This is your workout.

Your dedicated personal trainer will give you all the attention you need to ensure you are getting in the workout that you want and need.

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Private Training

Start your fitness journey today. schedule a free fitness consultation.

Complete assessment started in your life changing journey. Or, be direct and contact us with the information below.

(562) 493-8426