By: Garret Williams

There comes a point in life where people start to feel fragile. Activities you have done all your life start to feel harder. You may wake up feeling tight and achy in certain areas. Maybe you have stopped doing certain activities because it was too painful or too risky in your opinion. People are always looking for ways to turn back the clock, and for a lot of people strength training might be the key to beating father time.

There are a multitude of reasons that as we age things start to hurt and don’t feel as good, but one of the main reasons is lack of proper strength training. When people think of working out and lifting weight, oftentimes, their mind goes to professional athletes, or bodybuilders, but what you may not understand is a functional approach to strength training can improve everyone’s life.

It has been shown that even just 60 minutes a week can increase life expectancy 10-17 percent. That can be extra years on life just committing one hour a week to it, now imagine what it could do if you make it a normal part of your routine! Strength training can help keep your brain healthy by helping to protect against alzeimers, it can help to improve body composition, and it can help to keep your blood pressure under control. Not only that but it can help fight other diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Besides fighting disease, functional strength training can help you reverse the clock on how your body feels. When our muscles get weak they tighten up and become less healthy. This can cause them to put more stress on bone and joints leading to pain. This also can reduce blood flow to various parts of the body, resulting in less healthy tissue overall.

Starting to build some strength with even basic exercises can allow you to be able to move like you did when you were younger. Think about it, something like a squat was easy when you were a kid. People often report that they were just able to sit in a full squat and hang out there. The reason most can’t do that as they age isn’t because they got older, it is because they stopped doing it. Doing functional exercises and progressing at your level with a good coach can help you to regain that strength and mobility that you had before.

Beach Fitness prides itself on helping people live happier, healthier, and more vibrant lives. We love to see how excited people are when they are able to do a movement that they haven’t done in years. It can be scary trying to start strength training and not knowing where to start. That is why here at Beach Fitness we have coaches who are trained to work with individuals of all levels. We all want a more vibrant life, and maybe strength training is the key to making yours more vibrant.

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