Youth Athlete Performance Stack


Benefits of Creatine for Young Athletes

• Boosted Muscle Performance:
Creatine can help you push harder during practice, improving your stamina, strength, and overall muscle performance.
• Builds Lean Muscle: It supports muscle growth and helps you build lean body mass, making you stronger and more powerful on the field or court.
• Sharpens Focus: Creatine benefits your muscles and helps with mental focus and brain health, keeping you sharp and alert during games.
• Energizes Your Body: It helps your body produce energy more efficiently, giving you the extra boost you need during intense workouts or competitions.
• Reduces Injuries: By staying hydrated and supporting muscle recovery, creatine can help lower the risk of cramps, muscle strains, and other injuries.
• Fills Nutritional Gaps: If you’re not getting enough creatine from your diet, especially as a growing athlete, adding it to your routine can help meet your body's increased needs.Note: The quickest method of increasing muscle creatine stores may be to consume ~0.3 g/kg/day of creatine monohydrate for 5–7-days followed by 3–5 g/day thereafter to maintain elevated stores. (

Benefits of Vitamin D for Young Athletes

• Stronger Bones:
Vitamin D is essential for absorbing calcium, which helps build strong and healthy bones. This is crucial for growing athletes to support their rapid development and prevent bone injuries.
• Enhanced Muscle Strength: Vitamin D plays a key role in muscle function. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can help improve muscle strength and power, which is important for athletic performance.
• Injury Prevention: Sufficient Vitamin D levels can reduce the risk of stress fractures, muscle strains, and other injuries by supporting overall bone and muscle health.
• Improved Immune Function: Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system, making young athletes less susceptible to colds, flu, and other infections that could sideline them from training or competition.
• Better Balance and Coordination: Vitamin D has been linked to improved balance and coordination, which are critical for agility and performance in many sports.
• Supports Mood and Mental Health: Adequate Vitamin D levels can help maintain a positive mood and reduce the risk of depression, helping athletes stay focused and motivated.
• Boosts Energy Levels: By supporting muscle function and overall health, Vitamin D can help young athletes maintain higher energy levels, contributing to better endurance during practices and games.

Benefits of Omega-3 and DHA for Young Athletes

• Improved Brain Function:
Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), are crucial for brain health. They help support memory, focus, and overall cognitive function, which are essential for learning new skills and strategies in sports.
• Enhanced Recovery: Omega-3s can reduce inflammation and muscle soreness after intense workouts, helping young athletes recover faster and get back to their training sooner.
• Supports Heart Health: Omega-3 fatty acids promote a healthy heart by improving circulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues. This is key for maintaining endurance and stamina during long practices and games.
• Joint and Bone Health: Omega-3s contribute to joint flexibility and bone strength, which is vital for preventing injuries in growing athletes.
• Boosted Immune System: Regular intake of Omega-3s supports a strong immune system, helping young athletes stay healthy and avoid missing practices or games due to illness.
• Eye Health: DHA is a major component of the retina in the eyes. Adequate intake helps maintain good vision, which is important for tracking fast-moving objects and overall performance in sports.
• Mood and Mental Well-being: Omega-3s are linked to improved mood and reduced stress, helping young athletes manage the pressures of competition and maintain a positive mindset.

Benefits of Electrolytes for Young Athletes

• Hydration Maintenance:
Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium help regulate the body’s fluid balance, ensuring young athletes stay properly hydrated during intense practices and games.
Enhanced Muscle Function: Electrolytes are essential for muscle contraction and function. Adequate levels help prevent muscle cramps, spasms, and fatigue, allowing athletes to perform at their best.
• Improved Endurance: By maintaining proper fluid balance and muscle function, electrolytes can help sustain energy levels and endurance, allowing athletes to train harder and longer without tiring as quickly.
• Faster Recovery: After intense physical activity, electrolytes aid in replenishing lost fluids and nutrients, speeding up recovery and reducing muscle soreness.
• Supports Nerve Function: Electrolytes are critical for transmitting nerve signals that control muscle movements. This ensures young athletes have quick reflexes and coordinated movements during sports.
• Temperature Regulation: Electrolytes help regulate body temperature by supporting sweat production, which is important for cooling down during exercise and preventing heat-related issues like heat exhaustion.
• Prevention of Dehydration-Related Injuries: Proper electrolyte balance reduces the risk of dehydration, which can lead to dizziness, fatigue, and more serious conditions like heatstroke, helping to keep athletes safe.
• Maintains Mental Focus: Electrolytes contribute to cognitive function, helping young athletes stay focused and alert, especially during long practices or competitions in hot conditions.